
Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Friends, the Family we choose. So, so true. With friends come love "Love is a silken cord strong as a chain of steel binding creation together". Again very true. I love my friends each and every one of them.

Chris, What can I say? We have been through so much together, so much. I feel like I have hurt you in so many ways. Yet, here you are. You have been my confidant and much more for the past 4 years. I know 4 years? Wow. We met in Rousers just as it was closing I remember the question you asked me as if it was yesterday. Cassie: Hey, Have fun in the future, guess we won't talk now that the league is no more Chris: So, we can't still be friends? That suprised me so much that day. I am so happy you asked me that question or I would not have come to know you the way I do. You and your crazy family. BTW I am STILL willing to trade at ANY time ;)

Vic and Claton..Wow...who shall we greif today? HAHA. You take all my BS and I mean AAALLLLLL of it. From moody to bitchy to sweet and innocent. You get it all... I love you both so much for all you have done for me and continue to do for me. I hope to be able to repay you some way, some how in the future. I can't wait to be able to come to Australia and see you two and little baby Tori....I am sure it will be an adventure of a lifetime .

Kirty...SISSEEHHHH!!!! meh twineh poo! haha. What can't we talk about with each other? What don't we know about each other? We have known each other a few sort mos and are one of the closest ppl to me. Closer than most of my Real life family. You are not just my second life sister, you are my real life sister! I wouldn't trade you for the world!

Rory, Rory, Rory, Rory, What CAN I say about you? So much to say and so little space. We talk each others ears off when we need to it is a mutual thing whenever life throw something at one of us and we just need a 3rd party, unbiased opinion, we call on one another. You also are closer to me than most people. You have played an important part in my life in the short time I have known you. Thank you is all I can say.

Chase!!! Chase!!! You are wonderful. You are awesome, you are great! I love you to death. We have each been through a break up together now. For the worst, or for the better. We each have people we love dearly and unfortunately have to live without. We are there for eachother and will kick the shit out or anyone who tries to do each other wrong. I love you sisseh.

Keila, WOW almost 12 years can you believe it? We met in may of 1999 and here we are approaching 2011 still friends and still lovin each other on. You were one of my First adopted sisters. We lived across the street from each other and I scared you spitless every day HAHAHA remember "Noooooo, my barbies name is selena quintanilla" AHAHAH those were good old times. The front porch, the sneaking to each others houses...Walking to the bus togther. We were inseparable. I wish things were still that way.

Kristal...Shorts in the snow? Really? Food fight on your 12th birthday? Oh yea...THAT is the good stuff. You found god, he makes you happy. I am not as religious as you however I am so happy that you are happy. Tell that man of yours that he better not mess up...or I will hurt him AHAHAH and I say that with all the love in my heart and Christian goodness and all of that. Stay good, Stay safe and never forget you were my other adopted sissy when we were very young. Just like your sister we have known each other 12 years you two are my longest friends. I will never forget you. We have grown apart with the distance between us but will never stop loving each other.

Rebecca, You and I have been through so much from vesta to england, to moves to "I can NOT believe you just said that! " and " Thank you for calling the AT&T go phone payment center...." The gym is your friend....even if autumn doesn't think is.... work that ass off, you know you wanna. As for that husband of yours...tell him to shape up or I will kick his ass ;)

These are the people I consider closest to me in my life. They say you don't get many friends, the good ones anyway in your lifetime. I have found these people and love them to death. There are many more on my list of good friends Some I wasn't able to ad for lack of picture or what have you. I still love you. Friends ARE the family that we choose....Each and every one of these people are in my family. They love and support me when I need it. We might be distant at times but we are here and there. They also kick my ass into gear when I need it. Thank you to all of you for being who you are. Good and bad, old and young. Become who you are, and please....Do not change one bit. I consider you each perfect in your own way.


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