

Cassie is 21 years old. Lives in the Portland area of Oregon and majors in Education at PCC with a minor in psychology. She has high hopes of aquiring three different types of degrees before she dies. A PHD in psychology, a masters in education and a bachelors or associates in Photography. Her camera is her life. Not many pictures have been taken recently because Cassie has been focused on her battle with PCOS and making herself better and healthier. Cassie has 5 sisters and a brother, Related by blood. She also has countless other sisters and two brothers she adopted herself. These people are her best of friends. Cassie also has four nephews and two  nieces (one niece is the daughter of one of her adoptive sisters). She loves them all equally. Cassie currently resides with her mom, two of her sisters and one of her nephews in the Portland area. Cassie loves reading, hanging out with friends and acting like a normal young adult as much as possible. Her favorite color is purple and is currently trying to teach herself to enjoy and even love exersize with is her best tool to overcoming PCOS.