
Monday, August 16, 2010

Ah hello 4 am , we seem to meet alot...

Yep, thats right, it is 4 AM and I am still awake. My music player is on random and the christmas shoes randomly started playing. Interesting I know. "sir, I wanna buy these shoes for my momma please, it's christmas eve and these shoes are just her size, could you hurry sir, daddy says theres not much time". I know interesting thing to be listening to at 4 am. I got a few IM's off this guy I used to play called Evony. Was nice talking to him, he talked about another friend of ours alot tho LOL. I think he likes her. My mind is sort of sane at this point in time. I don't know how long that will last for tho. I am thinking about sleep hasn't come for me yet. meh. I am a bit happy tho I am over the pneumonia finally! It is about freaking time. Still looking for a job tho. It is really sort of annoying. I seem to be bored alot lately, that is probably why I am going crazy for lack of things to do. I know I am rambling LOL. I think the main reason I want a job is I need another vacation BADLY ( I know already right?) yep. I need another one. tho this time I think I need to go back out of the country. Maybe to england to see Chris again, or maybe I will venture to Australia to see Victoria and Claton.

I know alot of friends in other countries right? these ppl get to know me for me, the crazy hairbrained, eratic, freaks out and over reacts me. the one who isn't rational and has breaks downs and they still love me. Chris I have known for a little over 3 years now, I have gone to see him already and his fam is pretty cool, tho if tom tries to kiss me again it won't be pretty! (hear that tom, yea I am not letting you live that one down EVER!) haha, I miss them all there, I had fun, I had no worries, I was me , sarcastic, loud, crazy yea a few times rude. But I was also nice, polite, forgiving, funny and something to watch while carrying my heels in my hands on the way back from a night out with Chris and Tom.

Victoria I have only known a few months but it feels like years. She is like a sissy to me already. Like Chris she keeps me sane. she listens to me rant about things on almost a daily basis and is there when I need her, she is awesome, nice, funny, smart, pretty and an all around good person. I am lucky to know her. Her husband Claton is pretty cool too, quiet, but that is part of his charm.

Both great options but which to choose? I guess it doesn't really matter until I can afford to go right? Meh, gives me something to think about and look forward to.

"oh if you lose your once and only there is always room here for the lonely, watch your broken dreams dance in and out of the beams of a neon moon" that song just started playing and all of a sudden, it feels like my life, like how I am. hmmmm. interesting. I wonder why.....I am 20, why do I feel lonely? o.0 I should be out partying, not worrying about relationships or lack thereof hmm. this post is certainly a weird one.

Right, I am off to bed before it gets any wierder. Goodnight all, or I should say good morning since it is 4:37 AM pacific time on Mon, Aug. 16th, 2010.

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